Part 16: Chapter 2, Level 9

"Now this is more like it. Feels just like home. Makes one want to lie down and take the long sleep. Being immortal just ain't what it's cracked up to be. Far more effort then one could have expected. At least you get to help others attain what you never can. Even better, you can offer a faster assist than they could ever imagine. That's you always kindness and charitable thoughts. Time to speed their passage. Come out, come out wherever you are... you area bout to be, ahem, chosen."
The good news, this chapter's boss encounter isn't nearly as ridiculous as the Naga from the end of the first chapter. The bad news, that means this boss is going to be making repeat appearances. The worse news, that's going to start right in the very next level.
With this, Chapter 2 comes to a close. As I said in the video, we're more than halfway through the game now - going strictly by level numbers, we're about two-thirds of the way through. We'll start Chapter 3 next Friday.